Hot thoughts and cold thoughts are metaphors to how we react or respond to something. Eg we drop a plate and it smashes or someone cuts us off. Can you guess at the different kind of thoughts one...
A synergy exists where the whole is greater than its parts or in other words when a group of people come together and focus on a goal the impact is far greater than individuals alone. Eg. having a...
Do you ever get decision fatigue? If you are a parent or in a leadership role or even a human who has to eat you have probably experienced decision fatigue at one time or another. Have you seen how...
This story captures the power of equanimity – meeting experiences in an even way by tempering your emotional reactions.
Equanimity is one of Rudolf Steiner’s six basic exercises...
What is love? What does it mean to you? Perhaps you have different definitions for romantic love, platonic love and universal love? Perhaps you have not contemplated the different meanings of...
Where your focus goes energy grows.
There is certainly a lot in this world pulling at us for our attention. Biologically we are wired to be in a state of flight, flight or freeze or rest and...
As well as facilitating Superconscious I work in the arts – documentary mostly. At the beginning of March 2020 I went to the AIDC (Australian International Documentary Conference). I have a...